Monday, October 12, 2009


I am sooo happy right now!!!  We finally got a offer on our house!!  And we are accepting it!!  So now we can move on with our lives and move to a new city that we sooo love.  I also in the midst of all of this have ovulated a little earlier then usual!!  LMAO!  I am 2 DPO now I should get CH's on my chart tomorrow after I temp in the morning.  So happy what if we get both of our wishes at one time!!  LMAO  Would be a blessing!!  Course now I need to find a new house and that is proving way harder then I thought!  We are set to close on November 18th!  Life is going to get busy!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Well what a weekend....

Had a great birthday weekend just a really relaxing one.  TTC wise still no positive OPK's wishing in some ways it would just hurry so we could get on with the clomid next cycle I am interested to see what my O date would be on the clomid.  When I was TTC with Dustin I was not charting only BD every other day the whole month pretty much.  So that month that we conceived Dustin we were taking a break we only had BD twice.  Once Sept 18th and the other was towards the end of the month like the 27th or around that date.  I got my BFP + on October 7th and the Beta was 79 two days later.  I just really would be happier with a earlier O date would give us so many more chances to get our baby.  I am going to start on the working out stuff aswell while I am waiting for this cycle to pass really need to drop the weight fast.  I hope we sell the house somewhere inbetween as well!!  I need to make some APPTs too I need to see the hematologist and the cardiologist to get a check up.  Will try to do that tomorrow!  I need to start taking pictures for the blog too!  Will work on that!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Sooo I have been so bad!!

Been so bad about not doing this blog but I have decided to update it more often because it would be a great therapy tool. I am still pondering on doing a family blog aswell seeing as how I do not want everyone knowing our TTC buisness but would like to update some people on how we are doing in family life...Will have to think of that later on to see about opening a second blog maybe just about family and junk.....


As for our TTC journey for baby # 2! Still have been trying with just the aid of metformin my cycles are still incrediably long and that is putting quite a length of time on the TTC process. I had a great last cycle still long of course but my test results from last cycle were very well!


5-7 DPO of last cycle
Prolactin 4.2
Progestrone 9.1

My Cycle day 3 blood work for starting this current cycle was
Testosterone 24
% of free testerone 1.73
Testersterone free 4.2
FSH 3.3
LH 3.1
Progesterone 0.6
TSH 3rd generation 1.88
Estradoil 60
CBC was great except my platelet count was up to 441 which I don't know about that I need to go back to my hematologist seeing as I have thrombophilia and I am on asprin so I don't think they should be that high.

So my results in a nut shell. If you view my charts you can see my follicular phase is WAY to long. So I really need clomid to help even the odds again I got a script for 100 mg. I got pregnant with Dustin very fast on clomid 4 cycles and it helped my period really be between 28-30 days long was great! We were wanting to not do clomid this time because John really wants everything laid back and natural blah blah but any woman knows that, that crap is for the birds cause we have babies on the brain!! LMAO So I have also been bad about the weight issue and fell off the wagon at the gym but this month I am sooo stepping it up! We also haven't sold the house yet and that is adding to my growing axniety of things I WISH it would just sell I am soooo tired of the worry over it but I must trust in my wonderful lord that it will sell at the exact time it is suppose to I just wish he could hurry it a little. As I think I am going to go crazy daily. My doctor also gave me some tips on TTC told me not to drink any tap water or non-organic milk because they put to many hormones in each and I can see the point because they do put large amounts of growth hormone and such in them. Sooo I will be looking for more organic foods instead! Tried the milk already don't taste much difference its a little thicker in a way but taste great. Lasts a long time in the fridge too!

Dustin is getting big and huge and weighs 42 pounds and is 43 inches tall he is soooo caught up and doing well. He has been a bit of a smart ass like his father in school though....grrrr......So we are working on that. John is still doing okay working hard as always he is such a good provider and the best man in the world. Feeling lucky today to have these two hearts in my life.....

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Sorry!! I am BAD!

I know I have not posted lately and I am sorry for that for anyone that does read my blogs!! Well if you haven't already seen my charts I started my period Sunday afternoon. Was disappointed but I know that everything happens for a reason and it is not my time but I will happily await for it to be!! Today we had a awesome day I went with Dustin on a field trip to the magik theater it was awesome we also played at a park down the path from there. Then we went and ate with daddy at a resturant on the other side of town. I posted pictures on my myspace I will post a few here that I like from the park!

Friday, March 6, 2009


I swear the wondering is what kills you the most. Daily I think WHY does this happen why do you wonder so much why can't you just hang out and test when you are relaly far along? Truth is I dont think there are many women out there that can its like holding a lotto ticket and having a chance at the lotto and not scratching it. I am 11 DPO right now I have been getting faint lines today but they are not with alot of color so I am not calling it. Also to those who read my blog yes you will be the ones to find out first but if you are close to me personally please keep it to yourself because I will not be telling family until Easter time. If you are reading this blog and know me in person it's because I trust you and I know you will keep my secrets. Sp s/s I have been falling on this! Yesterday I went to the doctor because I was feeling like the flu was coming on. I went and Dr agreed with me and gave me tamiflu and today I feel pretty well! Back to normal almost! whohoo for that because Dustin's party is this weekend. SOOO back on track to the s/s


-boob tenderness has gone away most of the time just tightness every now and then



Dustin had a play last night it went AWESOME!! I have tons of video! Here are some pics!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


God I swear the 2WW is the longest. LOL Crazy really. So today I broke down and tested I feel so dispointed in myself for not being strong enough to pee on something I swear no one is safe in my house the dog might be next! LMAO Of course it was negative which I knew it would be no matter what it is really to early because my LP I am guessing is around 14 days. So that would be 6 days before my next expected period. So I will test at 10DPO next I swear I will be strong tomorrow and keep my bodily functions to myself! I took Chloe to the doctor today (my neice) was horriable long story and a big mess and she lost her insurance and she is a sick little girl. Ughh! Dustin's 6th Birthday is coming up I am being really relaxed a little to much prolly I really dunno how many people are going to be there I kept it really small and simple. Which reminds me I need to start on the little party bags for the kiddos. Dustin has a play on Thursday so I will prolly test Thursday night? I dunno I will prolly get to eager though and test in the AM time to tell you the truth! GL to me trying not to pee on objects!

Monday, March 2, 2009


Sooo 7DPO today and starting to go a little crazy! LOL I felt so good about not getting crazy peeing sticks this month but I CAVED!! LMAO I know I am bad but it was a BFN but it's really early I know to early. Today I was on call but I went in for a few hours tomorrow I will be oncall again and go in and work office for a few hours again as well. Going with Chloe to some appts though. Sooo s/s for 7dpo!

Here they are
-bloated I feel heavy and round
-tender nipples
-light headaches
-Craving icecream the past few days but I get cravings of different things every now and then.
-thats IT! Nothing else LOL

I am going to go do Dustin's homework with him now take care!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Well I am 6DPO today and just playing the whole waiting game! LOL We had a great day! We cleaned up the house this morning and ate breakfast together. Then we all got bathed and ready and went to look at more houses. Went to the store today also and got my FRER tests LOL Hopefully I won't take them all in one day! LOL I am trying to hold off though! Parts of me are starting to get pretty nervous like if I am pg am I ready and so forth what if this is all a whole mess of hurt and badness. What if the baby doesn't make it. Things like making sure I put away money for a funeral are going thru my mind driving me insane I wish I was a regular person that could just be happy when I got a + sign on a test and celebrate. I am scared deathly. I just want one more baby I will stop after that. I just want one more. I want a baby in the room. I want people to be happy visiting me not crying but happy and laughing and making jokes about the babies looks and making fun of John because he is going to be broke. I have thought of these moments thru and thru hoping they come to be memories in a year or so. What do I do if I lose the baby John wouldn't let me try again I don't think he would. I am scared about it. All these emotions maybe I am pregnant! LMAO! WELL ON THE OTHER HAND!!

6DPO S/S are..
-Sore NIPPLES not breast but nipples only
-CM has dried up completely
THAT IS IT! LOL Nothing else

I did do something fun today I did the chinese birthchart on I am 27 and the baby would be concieved in Febuary. I checked with Dustin's stats and it was right about him! Whohoo!
So according to this I would be having a GIRL!

I would be happy John and Dustin would kill me!

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Tired as ever! Well today was okay I was off work we went and looked at houses and had a great breakfast at Grumpys. I kept having mood swings though pretty bad I felt bad but I just couldn't help it but I think I was just tired. I went shopping for some gifts for Dustin as well and bought him a outfit to wear that I hope he likes on his birthday. I forgot to show it to him though when we got home and he is out like a light now. Ever since last night he has had a issue with nose bleeds like bad ones so I will keep a eye on that. As far as the fertility me! Temps are still good stayed the same I am still having fertile cm which is making me nervous I seem to have more now then when I was supposively ovulating? Nervous about that but I am just believing in the FF gods LMAO.

-mood swings
-sore boobs
-still some constipation
-Some Heartburn

We shall seeeeeeeeee!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I ovulated!! WHOOHOOO!!

I am sooo excited I finally got my cross hairs on fertility friend so I ovulated this month!! I am now 3 DPO! You would have thought this morning I got a BFP because I was so excited when I saw the cross hairs!! WHOHOO! A little on cloud 9 because I did it on my own well with metformin for PCOS but I didn't take clomid so I feel like a beat up some little part of the infertiltiy witch! LOL I am going to stay home today and take it easy I need to really clean alot and get our income tax things together so that we can go do our taxes. We really want to pay off some monthly bills so that we dont have to worry about them for the rest of the year. So I am going to list my daily symptoms incase I do get a BFP I can look back

-pulling and pinching in both ovaries with I lift my arms up I feel pulling and I have to put them back down
-I feel heavy down below like a urinary infection.
-sore breast
-TMI constipation
-fatiuge today but I had a restless nights sleep.

Check out my chart!!

Monday, February 23, 2009


Let me introduce you to my evil OPK's!! LOL Biggin on the top is from cd24 I would call it + in person its dark the glare on the top of it kinda makes it lighter. The middle one is CD25 I would call it -, and the 3rd one is cd 26 todays and its a very dark + one even darker then that this picture was taken about 3 minutes after I peed on it! So looks like I O'd about a day or two earlier then last month. Which is good I am just waiting for it to be confirmed with temps. My temp this morning was messed up because little Dustin wetted the bed last night at 4 am and I temp at 5 am so it wasn't a solid sleep! I was so mad because I was soo awaiting my temp! Oh well there is tomorrow! Little man comes first always he was so upset that he tee tee the bed. But he will survive! I took some funny pics of him yesterday when we were taking a nap thought I would share one to whom ever reads this LOL

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Started something....

I will write more later but I started a new little message board on baby center hope it works out! Here is the link!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Today's post

Sorry I know I haven't been a "good" blogger lately. So much stress and I have been working all week. I just got my check too and they forgot to put my vacation time in for the days I was off when I was sick. As far as the TTC thing as well I am fustrated John is going out of town this weekend and we did not BD since Tuesday so I am scared I will O this weekend and he will be gone and well you can put two and two together. I am hoping I don't O now until Monday or Tuesday. Ughh if not it's on to next month and that is okay I am at peace with it I know everything happens for a reason and when I do get preggie it will be because it's the right time for me and the baby and I just have to trust in god that for some reason he wants me to wait or there is a better time. I keep losing faith but I need to refocuse on it. Dustin is doing really well eating up a storm that boy has definately gotten over all his ickies and on his way to a nice weight recovery and even then some! My mom said she might come down this weekend but I know she won't she never does when she says she will. So much stress to much to even blog about but I know I will get thru it like always!! Hope everyone has a great day!!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


We are getting over all the ickies in our home! Thank goodness!!! We went to the rodeo this weekend YAY it was fun and Dustin had a blast I will post some pictures later! Today we cruised around trying to find neat new houses to think about moving too if we ever sell this house! I really thought our house would sell soooo fast everyone is moving out this way and we are in a lower price range. Oh well all we can do is wait and trust in god that everything happens at that time for a reason. TTC wise! I think I am about to O I had EWCM this morning and a temp dip and I think it will climb higher tomorrow! We did BD today so I am hoping and praying that was enough because we haven't BD before that since Tuesday! Grrrr.....My OPK's though have still been - so I dunno yet. I just took one a little while ago and I would call it - by my standards but they are darker then usual. I am excited about tomorrow's temp. I will need to make John do his hubby duties a little more! If I am Oing right now then its earlier then it was last month because last month I o'd so darn LATE! I hope it is the case now! I did something I dunno if I want to tell John about!! I paid for a reading!! I paid 8 dollars for a fertility reading that alot of girls from one of my boards were getting done! Here is what she said!

Thanks so much for letting me read for you! I really enjoyed it and I wish you get all you desire! Please let me know you got this and if you need any clarifiation. Also if you could please pass my information around that would be great My new site to order a reading is at or you can also order a reading at

your very welcome sweetie you are very kind too. been there myself.

i see a conceive or find out with a bfp between april and aug of 2009 and a girl.
i see a conceive or find out with a bfp between july and sept of 2012 and a boy.
now the guide want me to give you this messae they know yoru on wants a siblingbut they are also telling me hes very well prepared to wait beliee it or not. when i pick up his energies he hoenstly seems to want this sibling more for you guys than for hismelf. he wants to see you happy and your dreams come to frutation. so please not to feel to much pressure with with this ispossible. all the best! ruby

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Well Dustin is sick he has type B flu which is more then likely what I had aswell. Hopefully it was in time we got him started on tamiflu. I am up right now waiting for some bad storms to pass and then I am going to check on his fever again before I go to bed. I have been setting my alarm clock at night to wake up every 3-4 hours to do a fever check on him all times that I have woken up he has needed meds. Poor guy I really hope the tamiflu and antibiotics work on him. John came home today and brought us dinner and a movie so we had a nice family night in. I enjoyed it and we enjoyed spending time together. I am nervous about this upcoming week I am suppose to go back to work on Thursday but dustin will more then likely still be sick unless he has no fevers tomorrow which I think he will. He was still a trooper today he is so strong in many ways. My temping is still going okay still no major hike to show ovulation. We shall stay tuned. Well off to check on him!

Monday, February 9, 2009

sick and tired of being sick and tired

I feel so behind and still sick and my anxiety has been up tons the psat few days. It hasn't been this bad since before I started nursing school. I am thinking it's just stress piling up and it will blow over once some of it disapates. I am hoping anyways. I am nervous about the sale of the house. About me being sick and now my precious 5 year old is running a fever and I figure if that cold or whatever it was knocked me on my ass so bad what is it going to do to him. Now my nerves are up more. I called his pedi today to see if they would call in some antibiotics and I would take him in on day 2 or 3 because today his only s/s is runny nose and fever and I already know I was - for strep and - for flu. But they said no they wanted to see him which I am bummed because I really wanted to just stay home be with him and get caught up on some things around the house and MAYBE take a nap. BLAH not happening. I am still nervous about driving but I am not that dizzy anymore so I think it will be okay. The appt is at 430 this afternoon so at least we will have time to be in our Pjs for a while longer and he can lay down for a 1230 nap. I started temping again today I think the temps are back to normal it was 97.2 which is about where I was prior to illness and I had not taken anything medwise for about 8 hours. I am showing some s/s of ovulation. Now I am getting nervous about the thought of having another health wise. I am losing weight down to 244 today. But I need to kick it in high gear. I figure I will walk in the park my days off cause I do like to walk alot. After I take Dustin to school on my days off stop at the park and walk for a hour or so. John's mom bought me a IPOD shuffle for Christmas so I will load it up and try that out. Also I said hmm make it fun me and Dustin will have dance offs! LOL Turn on music for 30 minutes and just dance like crazy! Never thought of it before lol. And my normal work outs and watch what I eat. We will see what happens I hope my angels are watching over us! One good thing John got my old harddrive out of my OLD laptop and SAVED all my old pictures!! whoohoo go hubba!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

sick again

I am so mad I am sick again!! I was sick cold/flu symtoms each time on december 29,jan 15th and now feb 5th. I am so tired of being sick!! I tested - for flu and - for strep. I was at work when it really started to hit me and it did fast. My highest temp was yesterday 104.7 don't even want to talk about how that felt. I do feel alot better today. But now this is really going to mess my temping up. ughhh! So fustrated!! Last night we had box seats to Gary Allen we were going to take Dustin to his first rodeo performence but instead john had to go alone. John's birthday is today and he is eating alone with his parents for his birthday lunch. I feel so bad about it. I think dustin is getting sick too which makes me even more mad! But I am hoping his throat is just sore because his left scab fell off. Poor guy I hope and PRAY he doesn't get it!!

Monday, February 2, 2009


Well today I was just really irritated with everything and needed a break. I spent the day mostly at home in bed teetering around on the computer and watching tv. I just wanted a day to myself just me. I napped and showered and just relaxed. I have come up with some ideas for weight loss but will think about it some more. After my lil day to myself at 3pm I got ready and went to the bank and then to pick up some more scripts at the pharamacy then to pick Dustin up from school which I fall inlove with him all over just looking at him. We went to go meet daddy for dinner in town and bought Dustin some new shoes that he has been begging for some police sketchers. LOL Kids are so funny they were 40 bucks though! Ughh if he wasn't sooo darn cute! LMAO I have no problem spending 40 bucks on shoes but when you grow out of them every three or four months thats alot of money. We went to target and messed around there as well. I bought my ovulation tests for this month the other day and still have 4 digi pg tests from last month so I am fully stocked. I took some more pictures yesterday and will post them maybe tomorrow. I work tuesday thru thursday and then a half day friday. Then Friday we are taking dustin to the rodeo to see Gary Allen! I am excited to show him everything! Well night all see you soon!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Today was nerve racking at was over and really stressed me out. My brother and his boys came over to stay the night no big deal but his 6 year old starts waking up thru out the night with bad diarhia! Does it all thru the morning and when my brother calls his ex to tell her she says yeah he has had it for a few days! I am so pissed I am almost crying because if Dustin gets it we are already down 3 pounds now and we will be even worse. We are just now starting to gain our weight back!!! Ughh so I am stressed about that but I have really lysoled everything in his room and changed his bedding and such I hope we luck out with this one. I am still lightly on my period temps are good and I am excited about this month of TTC I feel really good about it. I really need to focus on weight loss as well. I wish I would just DO IT!! I think I am not going into work extra tomorrow its my day off but on my days off alot of times I will go in and work office but I think I will work on ME tomorrow and my plan on getting this weight off and doing something about it quickly I may go tour some of the gyms and see if they have a month to month thing seeing as I do not want to sign a contract. I dunno yet but I will think about it tomorrow and carry it out and then write about it on here. I joined some cycle buddy groups that I am excited about what if I am one of the ones that says YAY got my BFP! I also am already thinking of the ones that won't and that makes me sad I hope everyone just gets it!!! LOL That would be really neat. Well I am off to bed I have a big day tomorrow for me I will prolly come on and journal and think it out tomorrow!

Friday, January 30, 2009

Friday Friday!

Today was a long ol day at work happy to finally be home!! Still heavy on my period blah had fun with the family today went to New Braunfels to see my sister and have dinner with everyone. Got my car cleaned really well finally! Went and worked a few hours at work as well today. Tomorrow we are going to look at three houses in New Braunfels with a realtor. Hopefully we find a really good deal and HOPEFULLY someone will come along and buy up our house so that we can move soon!!! Wish us luck!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

dum dum duh dum

Writing in red for a reason! Yep I started my period today when I got home from work! LOL Which I am actually happy about because my body has been doing as it should. My temp has been dropping and had a big drop this morning so I know I am temping right and that is a good feeling!! Sooo we are on CD 1 now! I am excited about this month and when I will ovulate and all and with the charting it is neat to see and maybe this month we will catch that egg!! LOL Maybe the valentines booty will bring a turkey baby! LMAO Oh well it will happen when its meant to happen can't give more then that I trust in god and its meant to happen when he wishes it and when the time is right no matter when that time is. We are excited and going to look at a few houses this weekend that is neat. Tomorrow is going to be a really busy day! For one I have to start off screaming at the school because they dropped Dustin off at the house again today luckly Chloe my neice was here to get him off the bus. Everyday he is suppose to ride the bus to DAYCARE! This is the 4th time of them doing this. I just don't think they understand how important this little boy really is. I will make them tomorrow though they better make some changes or I sure will! I am also going tomorrow to work for a few hours then I need to come back home pick up all the kids and then take them to Wendy's house to see it. Oh well better head in for the night. Love to all!


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

So the doctor called...

She just called and we talked for a few minutes about my cycles and such. I am on CD 42 today she told me we could do the provera or wait for the metformin to work and she said it will it just takes time. So I did agree that I would rather try to start with my own body doing it. So I am going to wait and see if I do start my cycle by myself with just the metformin only. She said when we start the clomid again though we will be more aggressive with my cycles. But right now I just want to be laid back on it and stay away from the major things. We shall see what comes of it I hope I get preggie off of the clomid it would be just a personal accomplishment. But if we have to we have to and still walk off with a happy ending hopefully. I had a major temp drop this morning so maybe that means aunt flo will show today or tomorrow we shall see!

Doesn't look good

Well my temp dropped this morning so I am thinking we are out to the run for this cycle for sure. I am hoping it means my period might start today. I have been sick all night and had to call in to work this morning because of food posioning. I feel pretty bad and just really sore after the toliet tango all night long. I am debating on who to share this journal with we don't want any of our friends and family to know we are TTC. I am kind of scared of what they would think or say with Dustin being born the way he was. But I am well prepared and have started doctor's visits since June 08, I am on asprin, folic acid, b complex, prenatels, dha and metformin. I know now that I have the thrombophila as well. So when I do get preggie I will start with the lovenox injections and also the projestrone injections. My doctors seem very upbeat about it all and ready to take it on full force. I really love my new OBGYN Dr. Murdock she really listens and seems very in the picture! I am still waiting for a call back from their office as well today!


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

TTC Baby # 2

So with this baby we really would like to conceive naturally without the use of fertility if possiable. So I am charting my temps and trying my hand at this TTC dance. Our first cycle started decmeber 18th 2008 I am still without a period on CD 41 today and I think I o'd on CD 27-29 due to + opks and S/S of ovulation. I went to the doctor monday for a blood test they called back today and told me my level was a 2 HCG. They want to repeat it just incase it is to early but they did not call me back with a date so I expect them to call me later tomorrow since when I was talking to them today it was almost closing time. I am not going to be down about it but I need to know and I would like to start my period to keep the charting up and start a fresh new cycle. I wish it would just start or I would get my + pg test. I feel really bad that I keep wasting money on pee tests because I figure this one will be the one to be + maybe! Ughh I really feel guilty about it I guess to have any addiction this one is better then most! I am also still on my journey to try to lose weight so that I can be healthier. We are also stressing about selling this house and trying to buy another. I really think after we get that out of the way I will be really relaxed and it will help baby # 2 find his or her way to the great gold orb aka the egg! LOL If anyone would like to see my fertility chart as crazy as it is here is the address to it.

Our Family

Our family journey! John and I have been married since March 23rd 2002, we have been happily inlove since 1998 when I was only 16 years old I knew this wonderful man my husband was my soulmate and the other half of my heart. After our dream wedding we decided to start to ttc # 1 we knew going into it that I had issues with PCOS and endometrious. We knew we would have to do fertility treatments. So we started right away and sure enough cycle # 4 of a drug called clomid brought us our dream come true a little sweet baby we later named Dustin Tyler. But our battle for a family was far from over it had just barely began. Through out the pregnancy I faced a rollercoaster of problems and issues. Finally ending in a final problem of HELLP syndrome which led to the early arrival of our sweet baby boy at just 25 weeks gestation and 1 pound 5 oz. Then came our fight to keep Dustin alive. We won our battle and now have a healthy 5 year old perfect little boy who's now wish from santa is to have a brother. Of course not a stinky sister. LOL So that brings us to our new journey baby # 2! Welcome please stay tuned to our updates I hope to look back on this and see what a journey it has been!