Saturday, October 3, 2009

Sooo I have been so bad!!

Been so bad about not doing this blog but I have decided to update it more often because it would be a great therapy tool. I am still pondering on doing a family blog aswell seeing as how I do not want everyone knowing our TTC buisness but would like to update some people on how we are doing in family life...Will have to think of that later on to see about opening a second blog maybe just about family and junk.....


As for our TTC journey for baby # 2! Still have been trying with just the aid of metformin my cycles are still incrediably long and that is putting quite a length of time on the TTC process. I had a great last cycle still long of course but my test results from last cycle were very well!


5-7 DPO of last cycle
Prolactin 4.2
Progestrone 9.1

My Cycle day 3 blood work for starting this current cycle was
Testosterone 24
% of free testerone 1.73
Testersterone free 4.2
FSH 3.3
LH 3.1
Progesterone 0.6
TSH 3rd generation 1.88
Estradoil 60
CBC was great except my platelet count was up to 441 which I don't know about that I need to go back to my hematologist seeing as I have thrombophilia and I am on asprin so I don't think they should be that high.

So my results in a nut shell. If you view my charts you can see my follicular phase is WAY to long. So I really need clomid to help even the odds again I got a script for 100 mg. I got pregnant with Dustin very fast on clomid 4 cycles and it helped my period really be between 28-30 days long was great! We were wanting to not do clomid this time because John really wants everything laid back and natural blah blah but any woman knows that, that crap is for the birds cause we have babies on the brain!! LMAO So I have also been bad about the weight issue and fell off the wagon at the gym but this month I am sooo stepping it up! We also haven't sold the house yet and that is adding to my growing axniety of things I WISH it would just sell I am soooo tired of the worry over it but I must trust in my wonderful lord that it will sell at the exact time it is suppose to I just wish he could hurry it a little. As I think I am going to go crazy daily. My doctor also gave me some tips on TTC told me not to drink any tap water or non-organic milk because they put to many hormones in each and I can see the point because they do put large amounts of growth hormone and such in them. Sooo I will be looking for more organic foods instead! Tried the milk already don't taste much difference its a little thicker in a way but taste great. Lasts a long time in the fridge too!

Dustin is getting big and huge and weighs 42 pounds and is 43 inches tall he is soooo caught up and doing well. He has been a bit of a smart ass like his father in school though....grrrr......So we are working on that. John is still doing okay working hard as always he is such a good provider and the best man in the world. Feeling lucky today to have these two hearts in my life.....

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